1. My darling friend Katherine whose sound judgment and sharp wit keeps me sane. Today we passed notes like little schoolgirls during English. She tolerates my rants and raves and convinces me that everything will be okay, and when she says it, I believe her.

3. My European history teacher's sense of humor. After his recent motorcycle accident, he's been even more comical and clever, professing "I love everyone!" the day after his accident. I thank goodness that he is practically unscathed, save for a broken pinky.

4. Running up and down the stairs with Laura after school, then waiting around by the band room to get picked up. It makes me feel sad that band kids are the only ones allowed in the band room, because I'm a band kid at heart. I just cannot play an instrument.

6. The blusteriness of this afternoon! I love the wind and and the leaves that blow around. It's terribly bad for one's hair, but when the wind blows, I stop caring about how my hair looks and start enjoying the cool breeze. (Image from photo.net)
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