So, today, I am grateful for...

1. The charming antics of Lucy & Ethel. I Love Lucy is a constant source of entertainment for my sister and me. I really do love Lucy.
2. $5 antique tables all spruced up. I found this little beauty at the antique fair a few months ago, and repainted it, complete with Rococo charm.

3. My dear friend Angel for sending me a link to the web site the Antique Corsets gallery. I can't think of anything more restrictive...or more classically feminine and beautiful. They just make me hunger for romance and poetry and ruffles and ribbons and restrained emotions. I should have been born in another era.

4. Happening upon old issues of Domino magazine today while tidying my room. I am heartbroken by the demise of this flawless publication! My mom and I used to look forward to receiving our Domino every month, and countless inspirations have stemmed from poring over issues. (images courtesy of Domino)

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