today, I'm grateful for....

1. Best friends. I'm flipping through my yearbook and getting all misty-eyed reading the wonderful notes people have written. My dear friends are just so eloquent, each in their own ways. They have managed to sum up our relationships in a few words (or in some cases, a few paragraphs). I love friends. I love love.
2. "Arts under the stars", the end-of-year fine arts presentation at my school. I know it sounds cheesy, but it was kind of fun watching the band/orchestra/choir perform songs from Pirates of the Carribean and Les Miserables.. Plus, a few of my paintings and sketches were displayed in the visual arts gallery. I'm so proud.
3. Lazy days that come only at the end of the school year. Finals are fast approaching...but no one seems to care. Locker clean out was today; I ignored advice and chose to leave my clutter in my locker securely until the last day of school. All that stuff is going to be difficult to clean out.
4. Um, SUMMER. It's divine. Need I say more? I'm especially looking forward to getting the heck out of here for a few weeks.